Virtual document storage is a fantastic method of organizing personal files on the internet and make them available in the event of a disaster, such as a fire or burglary. It’s also a good way to share documents with friends, family and crucial stakeholders just like accountants and lawyers. By simply storing information digitally, it will also assist you in avoiding the need to purchase physical filing cabinets, bindings, and filing materials.

Secure storage for files automates tasks and workflows associated with managing documents which makes them easier to manage and share. They can improve productivity, reduce compliance costs and cut operational costs.

WorkSpace creates compound documents when a parent document contains OLE links that link to the component files. The document has its own set of APIs and attributes. The person who wrote the document has control over the logical order of its components and changes in the order of these files are evident in the logical order of the document compound.

This is helpful when documents have multiple authors or when the order of the files in a file is important to the authors. A document’s component virtual can be bound early to the version label, to ensure that it can be retrieved in the version that it was created. This is in addition to any late binding that might be put on the document.