Online security is the process of recognizing online threats and knowing how to avoid them. This includes keeping personal information private while avoiding malware and recognizing illegal or harmful content.

Cyber security is essential for students who spend more and more time online. They should be aware of the real risks to their privacy and security such as cyberbullying or identity theft. They should also be aware that reckless or careless Internet behavior can have serious consequences. For example, a New Hampshire politician lost his job after posting inappropriate pictures and negative comments about his opponents on social media.

While shopping, playing or chatting with friends there are many things that can go wrong. It’s very easy to click a malicious link within an email, a text message, or online advertisement, which could make your device infected with malware. Once an offensive or embarrassing comment or image has been published and is not easy to remove.

Teachers can engage students in a variety engaging activities to help children learn more about cyber safety. Students can create digital cartoons about the dangers of bullying or meet a person online in person, to spark discussion in the classroom, and also develop critical thinking and media literacy. Also, creating a mock news article can be a great way for students to practice their writing and research skills while learning about cyber safety.